Consumer Information

Certified Alaska Tough Windows

How is a Certified Alaska Tough window different from other windows?

MTL frosted windowWindows are typically the least insulated portion of a house. In very cold climates such as Alaska, poor windows can lead to indoor frost build-up, cold drafts, and a reduced window life expectancy. For this reason the Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC) has created a standard to help consumers identify windows which have been tested to meet standards that will hold up in the extreme climates of Alaska. CCHRC is located in Interior Alaska where heating systems are designed for -47 degrees Fahrenheit, and so has experience dealing with the many problems caused by low quality windows and knows the value of windows that will allow residents to enjoy spectacular views without feeling cold for many years.

Windows that have been Certified Alaska Tough have been tested to meet a more stringent insulation and air-tightness standard than Energy Star windows and have been certified to have superior air, water, and structural performance.

What are the benefits of purchasing Certified Alaska Tough windows?


    1. Save money. Windows that have been Certified Alaska Tough have proven that they are energy efficient enough to be used in the extremely cold winter climate of Alaska. Efficiency means fewer heating dollars go out the window. Savings will vary depending on fuel prices and location; the following map shows the yearly cost savings of Certified Alaska Tough windows relative to single or double pane windows in selected northern cities. For insight into how much you might save with U-0.20 windows, you can enter your city into the online Window Selection Tool made by the non-profit Efficient Windows Collaborative group.These savings can be even larger in areas with Alaskan climates and fuel prices. Replacing double pane windows in an average Alaskan home with Certified Alaska Tough windows will save an estimated $265-$972 each year.
    2. Be comfortable. Certified Alaskan Tough windows have met a very high standard for air leakage. If they are properly installed, you can say goodbye to cold drafts. High insulation levels also mean they will feel warmer on the inside.
    3. Save energy. Energy loss through windows accounts for 30% of building heating and cooling energy use in the U.S. Installing Certified Alaska Tough windows will help to reduce your carbon footprint.


  1. Know that it will last. Certified Alaska Tough windows have met stringent requirements for resistance to wind and water and for structural performance. If properly installed, they should stand up to the toughest winter conditions for many years to come.
  2. Be Safe. Egress windows are often the only means of escaping in an emergency. Leaky, poorly insulated windows can freeze shut in the winter. Certified Alaska Tough windows have met a stringent standard for water leakage and their high insulation value will reduce the likelihood of freezing, so you can be confident that these windows will open when you need them most.